Picture: Ibu Gabi explaining the steps of the Strategic Plan

    Measuring the results of the YAK GBKP service achievement that has been running for 2.5 years is needed Strategic Planning in order to formulate strategic planning to continue empowering projects for the poor and marginalized for the next 3 years (2021 – 2024) .

    This activity was held for 4 (four) days from September 1 – 4, 2020 at theHall Learning Center, Sukamakmur. Do not forget to also instruct the committee every day to maintain the health protocol where before entering the room the participants are allowed to wash their hands in the place that has been provided, measure the temperature, spray hand sanitizer, and wear masks (the committee also provides masks and hands. sanitizer if a participant needs it). This meeting also did not exceed the capacity of 25 people considering the need to prioritize health protocols. This meeting was facilitated by JJ Consult, Mrs. Gabrielle Waegerle. In addition to the staff working at YAK GBKP specifically in the program section, there were also participants who were invited from representatives of target groups such as from Kebayaken Village (target of the Socio-Political division), Rumah Mbacang Village (target of the Economic division) and Desa Sigamang (target of the Environment division).

    Picture: The Socio-Political Team is having a discussion related to the program

    With theprocess Strategic Planning , the resultsfrom this activity are:

    1. Obtained Participants get a picture of the factual conditions of the global, national and local situation related to the main needs and challenges of the people assisted by YAK.
    2. Exploring the group’s potential in terms of strengthening people’s organizations and community-based economic activities (stakeholder analysis).
    3. The potential of the institution in terms of community empowerment in the socio-political, economic, environmental and technological fields for society (internal scanning and its relation to external factors).
    Picture: The Economic Team is conducting discussions related to the program

    There are group discussions to conclude various focus of service activities that will be carried out in the future, such as:

    1. Proposals are prepared using a participatory, integrative and based approach rural-sub-urban development-.
    2. With the focus of its activities are: advocacy strategies, increasing the socio-political participation of the community, strengthening people’s organizations, increasing awareness in environmental care and economic development including business and market development, as well as the ability of the community to use technology in situations of adapting to new habits.
    Picture: The Environment Team is conducting a discussion related to the program

    This activity is expected that in the future the analysis of the international, national, local and internal YAK context can be carried out properly, the analysis of the problems of the assisted groups can be resolved, the program objectives and logframe with indicators can be implemented and the preparation of proposals in accordance with BfdW standard.




    YAK GBKP and RDIS jointly discussed community empowerment programs through organizing community initiatives with Credit Union entrances ( CU) especially in rural areas. The CU strategy is dedicated to the five Dioceses of the Anglican Church in Rwanda, namely: BUTARE, CYANGUGU, KIGEME, NYARUGURU and SHYOGWE.…

    Rapat Anggota Tahunan (RAT) CU “Payung Simalem” Payung ke-XI Tahun Buku (TB) April 2020 s/d Maret 2021

    CU “Payung Simalem” Payung adalah wadah yang bertujuan untuk mempererat kesetiakawanan, baik dalam kegiatan suka maupun duka dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan anggotanya melalui gerakan simpan pinjam untuk meningkatkan usaha yang ditekuni oleh masing-masing anggota agar dapat mengikuti perubahan sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman. Berkat kasih…

    Evaluasi Internal YAK/PARPEM GBKP

    Puji Tuhan, dengan bimbingan Tuhan Yesus Evaluasi Internal YAK/PARPEM GBKP boleh berjalan dengan baik. Ibadah pembuka yang dibawakan oleh Ketua Bidang Diakonia Moderamen GBKP, Pdt. Mestika Nusantara Ginting, S.Th., M.Psi di ambil dari Kitab 2 Tawarikh 26:3-5. Evaluasi program merupakan proses pengidentifikasian keberhasilan dan atau…

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